Oral detoxification of toxic chemicals, metals and microbes through “Karack’s Oil Treatment.”

Besides building health through eating a diet of nutrient-dense traditional foods, utilizing many effective ways to help our bodies detoxify toxic chemicals, metals and microbes should be an ongoing pursuit. The oil pulling therapy of Dr. Karack is another helpful protocol you can try.

Below is a great description of Karack’s Oil Treatment, which is highly recommended by many holistic practitioners including Dr. Louisa Williams in her book Radical Medicine. In Chapter 2 of her book, “Detoxification of Toxic Metals and Chemicals,” she discusses this Ayurvedic treatment’s benefit for use immediately after the removal of mercury amalgam fillings. However it can be used by anyone on a regular basis for aiding the regular detoxification of the body. Besides using unrefined sesame oil, we have also heard of people who have used organic coconut oil.



In the morning before breakfast, on an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon of cold pressed unrefined sesame oil in the mouth, but do not swallow. Swish the oil around the mouth, “chew It”  and mix it with your saliva for 10-20 minutes. Then spit it into the toilet bowl.

Chewing activates the enzymes which draw toxins out of the blood. And In 10-15 minutes, the blood from the entire body has had the opportunity to circulate through and around the mouth. After 10-20 minutes the oil should be thinner and white. If it is still yellow, you have not held it in your mouth long enough. (10 minutes the first week is usually sufficient, then increase to 15-20 minutes as you get clearer.)

Immediately brush your gums, teeth, and tongue with warm salt/soda water
1 cup water to 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp soda, or with food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in water. Then gargle and spit with the remaining salt/soda water. It is also helpful to tip the cup under the nose and gently sniff up the water to clean the nasal passages. Then gently blow the nose.
The sink should be cleaned afterward because the saliva contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste.

Repeat this procedure two to three times a day, before meals, on an empty stomach. Continue this procedure until you are healthy I (few weeks to years…).


This procedure has been helpful to curative in almost every disease or dysfunctional immune state that Dr. Karack has encountered.

We have found the same amazing results. especially in patients who are detoxing their petroleum solvents. Remember that petroleum solvents are lipophilic and will readily be absorbed into the oil. Additionally, the toxic metals/minerals form soap complexes with the oil, and can then be easily eliminated through spitting.

This oil technique has also had a major effect on chronic, severely toxic patients. Although neural therapy is excellent for a mild to moderate toxic tonsil focus, severely damaged tonsils can often be saved from surgery with the addition of Dr. Karack’s technique. And since the tonsils are the first filtering system in the body for orally ingested toxins, this treatment helps boost everyone’s immune system functioning through increased lymphatic cleansing of that area. Remember, too, that even If you have had a tonsillectomy, the lymphatics in the tonsil area are still trying to function as a filter, and neutralize ingested toxins and manufactured microbes in the oral cavity.

For more information on building health and healing with nutrient-dense foods see Performance without Pain and our new e-book on healing acid reflux.

Best in health,

Kathryne Pirtle

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