Category Archives: Breast Health and Cancer Prevention

“All disease comes from malnourishment”–Dr. Weston A. Price

These profound words of Dr. Weston A. Price came as a result of  a 10 year meticulous study of healthy populations worldwide. Dr. Price, a prominent dentist in the 1930’s, was a pioneer on the quest to understand why the majority of  his patients in the United States had crooked and crowded teeth, cavities, facial deformities and degenerative illnesses of all kinds. He did not feel that this was normal and traveled during the summers of a ten year period to see if he could find populations of people with perfect health. He found 14 cultures who had completely different diets that had this perfect health–no cavities, perfect facial structure with plenty of room for the teeth and no degenerative diseases–including TB.

Although their diets were different, Price found certain common key components. First, the diets had 10 times the amount of vitamin A and D from natural sources–like cod liver oil, egg yolks, organ meats, fish eggs and traditional fats–like butter and cream from grass-fed animals–foods that we are largely told to avoid. Next, he found that their diets had ample traditional fats such as butter, cream, lard, coconut oil and meat with its fat. He found that without both adequate vitamin A and D and traditional fats, that a person could not absorb the nutrients from the foods they ate no matter how good the diet. Lastly, he found that their diets consisted of high quality proteins from animals eating their natural diets, and they ate no refined foods whatsoever.

Importantly, Price found that when people from these same cultures moved to areas where they were able to have access to modern foods–white flour, pasteurized milk, refined sugar and vegetable oils–that they developed cavities and degenerative illnesses and in the next generation, the children had crooked and crowded teeth, cavities and poor health as well.

Today, cavities are commonplace, our entire population is exhibiting  crooked and crowded teeth and the percentage of people–adults and children alike–affected by degenerative disease of all kinds, is growing at an exponential rate. Our modern food supply is a large part of the reason this is happening as our foods are highly nutrient-deficient.

If we follow Dr. Price’s work, we will see that the future of the health of our people lies in improving our broken food supply in favor of traditionally raised, nutrient-dense foods. When we correct malnourishment, healing and building optimal health are possible.

For more information on building health and healing with nutrient-dense foods see Performance without Pain and our new e-book on healing acid reflux.

Best in health,

Kathryne Pirtle

A “Healthy” High-Fiber/Lowfat Diet may actually lead to digestive disorders and chronic inflammation

The “healthy” high-fiber/low fat diet diet that has been given the greatest press by doctors, ads and news reports may actually be quite harmful for your digestive system and leave you over time with chronic inflammation, allergies of all kinds and malnourishment.

High fiber foods are quite difficult to digest as they are high in cellulose. First, when we eat a high amount of fiber, it can expand in our stomach and cause digestion to last longer. This can lower the stomach acid in the stomach making it difficult for the food to be broken down. As soon as stomach acid lowers, bacteria, viruses and fungi can thrive in the stomach where they normally will be kept at bay. This can cause over time a candida overgrowth.

A  candida-or yeast-overgrowth-in the stomach will pass into the intestinal tract causing bacterial imbalances and dysbiosis. Some of the symptoms of dysbiosis are acid reflux, flatulence and bowel disorders of all kinds like constipation or diarrhea. With a candida overgrowth, our foods are not broken down properly, we cannot absorb nutrients well, our intestinal tract can become damaged and inflamed and we eventually can become malnourished. This cycle can cause systemic inflammation throughout the body as well as allergies.

Traditional fats are essential for nutrient absorption. Dr. Weston A. Price ( found that the diets of healthy populations worldwide included ample fats, like butter, cream, lard and meat with its fat from pastured animals, coconut oil and eggs from pastured chickens. He determined that without adequate fat in the diet, a person could not absorb the nutrients from the food no matter how good the diet. When the Indians and explorers could only find lean meat, they starved to death. Adequate fat from traditional foods is absolutely necessary to good health and without it, good digestion will not be possible and eventually one will become malnourished and have chronic inflammation.

Following the media’s “healthy” diet may not provide you with a life-time of good health. Building health with traditional nutrient-dense foods can offer healing and protection from digestive disorders and chronic inflammation.

For more information see

Best Breast Cancer Defense-A Nutrient-Dense Traditional Foods Diet, Lymphatic Breast Self-Massage and Amalgam Removal

There is so much fear around breast cancer that we must know that there are many effective ways of prevention that do not involve the often risky damaging test procedures. Given the possibility that we can attract what we fear–instead of focusing on early diagnosis and a cure, let’s dance  to life-long health and breast health with a nutrient-dense diet and learning the wonderful technique for breast health called Lymphatic Breast Self-Massage (see Also, women should know that thermographies are a better way to have the breasts examined as they do not use x-rays.

One of my health goals has been to prevent cancer—three of my mother’s sisters died from breast cancer and my mother had a prophylactic mastectomy. Unfortunately, until I began eating a traditional diet eight years ago, I was probably on the cancer track without knowing it. Like many health seekers, I had rigorously followed a very “healthy” high-fiber, low-fat diet high in salads, grains, fruits and vegetables, and only a little meat, eggs and dairy—and no butter of course. Sadly, this “healthy” regimen left me very malnourished with a severe digestive disorder. Luckily, I learned about the work of Weston A. Price, recovered my health, and felt sure that I had found the key to cancer prevention.

Despite this, I recently found a painful lump in my breast that really frightened me. How could this be happening with my diet? Was breast cancer inevitable given my family history? After some initial panic, I did my research and learned that most women get these lumps from time to time and that they are cysts. I also learned that regular self-massage will improve circulation, help existing cysts drain, and help prevent them from forming in the future. Within three days of massaging, the cyst had shrunk substantially and it was gone within a week. What a revelation! Unfortunately, because of the media, most women are scared to death when they find a lump and panic. I was so thankful to have learned this holistic, caring information from a project called “The Breast Health Project.”

Here is the site on breast self-care: It says “Women find that this massage reduces breast pain, breast swelling, PMS breast symptoms, cystic issues, calcifications and even fear of breast cancer” and that “The Breast Health Project has created a new model of breast care based on holistic medicine, using the best of eastern and western therapies.”

Another very important step in the prevention of breast cancer is removing mercury amalgams–or silver fillings–from our mouths. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man and silver fillings can be up to 50% mercury! The mercury in our mouths can travel through our lymph system and accumulate in the breast tissue. This is the body’s way of protecting vital organs such as the brain and heart by dumping toxins in less necessary parts of the body like the breasts and the ovaries. Many times breast lumps are accumulations of toxins that have been encapsulated. The removal of amalgams needs to be done very carefully with a highly qualified biological dentist who understands a safe protocol.

Lastly, wearing your bra loosely so that lymphatic drainage is not curtailed will help to keep toxins from accumulating in the breast tissue. This can be done easily by cutting and pinning an extension from an old bra to the clasp portion of the bra adding more room around the rib cage or buying bras that are slightly larger.

Paired with a nutrient-dense, traditional diet, lymphatic massage and amalgam removal sheds a refreshing light on the possibilities of truly taking charge of our health. For more information on healing and building health with nutrient-dense foods and seminars on this subject, see

Best in Health,

Kathryne Pirtle