Which Country Would you Choose?

  • What if we lived in a country where basic decisions about policies were based on how much profit could be made?
  • What if we lived in a country where policy decisions could be bought and sold?
  • What if we lived in a country where the foods that our children ate largely had no nutrition whatsoever?
  • What if we lived in a country where our schools had vending machines and lunch programs that offered children absolutely no nutrition?
  • What if we lived in a country where the majority of the advertising focused on foods that had no nutrition whatsoever?
  • What if we lived in a country where chronic illness was rising at exponential rates?
  • What if we lived in a country where there was an exponential growth of the numbers of children suffering severe illness and brain disorders?
  • What if we lived in a country where infertility was experienced by the majority of females?
  • What if we lived in a country where prescription drugs and drug therapies were considered the answer to our serious health problems?
  • What if we lived in a country where prescription and over-the-counter drugs were advertised as an answer to our health problems?
  • What if we lived in a country where the right to choose to purchase foods that could provide optimal nutrition from small farms was in jeopardy?
  • What if we lived in a country where the basic right to choose what the quality of food we put in our mouth was at risk?
  • What if we lived in a country that did all of the things on this list?

Do you think this kind of country would be facing a financial and health disaster?

  • What if we lived in a country where basic decisions about policies were based on how these decisions would affect the well-being of our population for generations to come?
  • What if we lived in a country where policy decisions could not bought and sold?
  • What if we lived in a country where the foods that our children ate had extraordinary nutrition based on traditional methods of agriculture?
  • What if we lived in a country where our schools had vending machines and lunch programs that offered children nutrient-rich food?
  • What if we lived in a country where the majority of the advertising focused on foods that had optimal nutrition?
  • What if we lived in a country where chronic illness was almost never seen because people’s diets protected them from disease?
  • What if we lived in a country children rarely suffered severe illness and brain disorders?
  • What if we lived in a country where infertility was unusual and most children were born healthy?
  • What if we lived in a country where prescription drugs were considered unnecessary?
  • What if we lived in a country where prescription and over-the-counter drugs were considered poor solutions to our health problems?
  • What if we lived in a country where the right to purchase foods that could provide optimal nutrition from small farms was never an issue and industrial raised foods were obsolete?
  • What if we lived in a country where the nutrient quality of food we eat was at the basis of all decisions we made about food policies?
  • What if we lived in a country that did all of the things on this list?

Do you think this kind of country would be protected from a financial and health disaster?

Visualize the country you would like to have. Vote with your pocketbook. Support real food.

For more information on building health and healing with nutrient-dense foods see Performance without Pain and our new e-book on healing acid reflux.

Best in health,

Kathryne Pirtle

14 thoughts on “Which Country Would you Choose?”

  1. Yes, I’d choose the second country. The first country is the one we’re living in and it’s already been chosen for me without my consent! It sort of takes away the meaning of freedom, doesn’t it? Great post Kathy!

  2. It would be a dream come true to live in the second country. Does that one exist? I would be willing to move.

  3. We are creating the second country by purchasing real food and purchasing from small family farms who produce these high quality traditional foods. We can create the second country by voting with our pocketbooks. We have to believe to see it! This will happen one person at a time. Thanks for being a part of the solution!

  4. We can do this, we can create a second country. When I started using raw milk, there were only five states where it could be legally purchased. Now there are 41 that allow it –10 states (retail), 17 states (farm share), and 10 states (cow share), not to mention 4 states where it’s legal as pet food. Progress is being made, our voices are being heard, and we’re adding more voices every day. Yes, we can do this!

  5. Those that choose to live in the second country need to create it, not unlike a relgion. Voting with your dollar is a start, but we need more recruits. Educate your friends and family… Convert them to vote with their dollar.

  6. I agree we are creating the second country. I believe, however that we need to get more people on board, starting with our loved ones, neighbors and friends. We need to to “Teach, teach, teach!!” And we need to do it now.

  7. That’s where we need every person who knows real food to become actively involved in spreading the word. Lectures, activism, blogs, websites–pass the vision. It IS our future.

  8. of course i would rather live in the second country. Our freedom to choose healthy foods is slowly being eroded. they have been subtle. but thanks to people like you, Kathy, the big evil ones like Monsanto are being out on NOTICE!!!! GREAT post, Kathy.

  9. Great post, Kathy! Well said, as usual. It is disturbing to know that the “first” country is where we are now. We have a long way to go–voting with our dollars, voting with our phone calls to legislators, and VOTING at the polls can make a difference.

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