Review: Find Your Safe, Local Raw Milk and Other Real Food, Too!

E-book by David Augenstein, MS, P. Eng.

More and more people are discovering that raw milk from grass-fed cows is nature’s perfect food and want to experience its health-promoting benefits. They are also are learning the benefits of other nutrient-dense foods like pastured eggs, meats and poultry. However, finding a local source for these foods for the first time can be complicated.  The e-book, Find Your Safe, Local Raw Milk and Other Real Food, Too, is a fantastic guide that really simplifies the process and provides excellent guidelines to insure a high-quality source. (See

Through a step-by-step process, Augenstein shows you how to locate a local dairy or a co-op and understand the laws regarding raw dairy in your state. Importantly, he describes the high-quality farm management practices that need to be present in raw milk production so you can determine if the farm you are considering will be a safe, clean, nutrient-dense source of food.

David discusses other very helpful issues like the differences in how people organize picking up their food that range from driving groups to drop-off points and home delivery. He also has links to invaluable books, articles and studies about raw milk.

People who seek out a high-quality source of raw milk are usually interested other foods from these sustainable farms. This book helps you understand how to connect with farms that can provide all of these. 

You will be surprised to find a bonus download of the new book from the Weston A. Price called Healthy for Life. This book alone would cost $10, but through this offer you have an excellent opportunity to get 2 books at once, plus learn about the guiding principles behind a truly health-building diet. Additionally, there is a wealth of delicious recipes from which to choose.

Lastly, David shares blogs, web resources and books that cover the gamut of subjects revolving around the explosion of interest in real food from sustainable farms. I can’t think of a better use of $7! Thanks David for preparing this amazing resource!

If you consider this powerful quote you will realize just how important making the effort to find nutrient-dense foods really is:

“Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”
Edward Stanley

Best in Health,

Kathryne Pirtle

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